Nikamu Mamuitun
Tuesday, April 1, 2025 — 7:30 PM
Nikamu Mamuitun is a great encounter between Indigenous and non-Indigenous creativity, an opportunity to share and celebrate music and songs in an inclusive way. Artist mentors Florent Vollant, Réjean Bouchard and Guillaume Arsenault accompanied the singer-songwriters at the heart of the project throughout the process. Matiu, Karen Pinette-Fontaine, Scott Pien-Picard, Ivan Boivin, Marcie, Cédrik St-Onge, Chloé Lacasse and Joëlle Saint-Pierre blended and mixed their creations together. This show was created and presented at the Festival en chanson de Petite-Vallée, as well as at the Festival Innu Nikamu in Maliotenam, thus concretizing a joint desire to bring together artists and to bring them to meet the public, within the framework of an intercultural artistic project.