The Voice Across the Lifespan: Unveiling Medical and Technical Challenges
Workshop with Dr. Françoise Chagnon (Otorhinolaryngologist) & Ms. Theodora Nestorova (Vocologist/Singing Voice Specialist)
Pre-festival: Saturday, March 16, 2024 — 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Speakers and singers face challenges as the voice changes and ages. Common medical ailments that have repercussions on the voice can be successfully managed.
In this workshop you will understand the mechanisms of voice production and discover how acoustic and aerodynamic analysis can be used to both reveal and train voice efficiency through the lifespan. Dr. Françoise Chagnon and Theodora Nestorova will offer practical insights for managing and enhancing vocal performance. You will gain invaluable insights into preserving and optimizing the art and science of vocal performance over time.
Registration: $30